Seluruh rumah

Shikoku-an Machiya Holiday House

Unit tepi sungai Kyoto di Distrik Shimogyo dengan dapur

Galeri foto untuk Shikoku-an Machiya Holiday House

Townhouse | Ruang keluarga | TV plasma
Pintu masuk interior
Townhouse | Area keluarga | TV plasma
Townhouse | Kamar mandi | Bathtub dan shower terpisah dan bathtub besar
Townhouse | Ruang keluarga | TV plasma


9,4 dari 10


Seluruh rumah

1 kamar mandiKapasitas 4

Fasilitas populer

  • Mesin cuci
    Mesin cuci
  • Ruang Outdoor
    Ruang Outdoor
  • Dapur
  • AC
  • Wi-Fi Gratis
    Wi-Fi Gratis

Tentang properti ini

Seluruh tempat

Anda akan memiliki seluruh rumah untuk diri Anda sendiri dan hanya akan berbagi dengan tamu lain dalam rombongan Anda.

Shikoku-an Machiya Holiday House

Unit tepi sungai Kyoto di Distrik Shimogyo dengan dapur
Rumah liburan bebas-rokok ini menawarkan fasilitas laundry, check-out ekspres, dan pemesanan tur/tiket. Akses Internet nirkabel gratis tersedia gratis.Selain itu, terdapat juga taman, TV di ruangan umum, dan staf multibahasa di dalam hotel. Rumah liburan dilengkapi bathtub berendam dan menawarkan WiFi gratis dan dapur. Nikmati masa inap yang nyaman dengan seprai premium dan selimut bulu angsa, ditambah juga fasilitas mesin cuci dan ruang duduk.
Rumah liburan menawarkan 3 kamar berpenyejuk udara dengan brankas dan air minum kemasan gratis. Kamar terhubung ke patio. Kamar memiliki ruang duduk terpisah. Tempat tidur memiliki selimut bulu angsa dan seprai premium. Dapur menyediakan lemari es, kompor, oven microwave, dan peralatan masak/sendok-piring. Kamar mandi memiliki bathtub dan shower terpisah dengan bathtub besar, sandal, kloset, dan perlengkapan mandi gratis.

Tamu dapat menjelajahi web menggunakan akses Internet nirkabel gratis. Di kamar tamu tersedia TV plasma. Selain itu, kamar menyediakan mesin pembuat kopi/teh dan penanak nasi.


Inggris, Jepang

Fasilitas properti


  • Tersedia di rumah: Wi-Fi gratis

Tempat parkir dan transportasi

  • Tidak tersedia parkir di properti


  • Ketel listrik
  • Kompor
  • Lemari es
  • Mesin pembuat kopi/teh
  • Microwave
  • Peralatan memasak, peralatan makan, dan peralatan dapur
  • Rice cooker
  • Toaster

Kamar tidur

  • Comforter bulu angsa
  • Tempat tidur premium

Kamar mandi

  • 1 kamar mandi pribadi
  • Bathtub atau shower
  • Bathtub besar
  • Bidet
  • Handuk disediakan
  • Pengering rambut
  • Perlengkapan mandi gratis
  • Sabun
  • Sampo
  • Sandal
  • Sikat dan pasta gigi
  • Tisu toilet

Ruang tamu

  • Ruang duduk terpisah
  • Ruang keluarga


  • TV di area umum
  • TV plasma 30 inci

Area outdoor

  • Halaman
  • Patio
  • Taman


  • Detergen laundry
  • Fasilitas laundry
  • Mesin cuci


  • AC
  • Pemanas ruangan

Hewan Peliharaan

  • Hewan peliharaan dilarang masuk

Kesesuaian/Fasilitas Difabel

  • Properti bebas rokok

Layanan dan kemudahan

  • Air minum kemasan gratis
  • Bantuan tur dan tiket
  • Brankas
  • Penitipan koper
  • Setrika/meja setrika
  • Staf multibahasa

Keunggulan lokasi

  • Dekat stasiun kereta
  • Di pusat kota
  • Tepi sungai

Fitur keamanan

  • Detektor karbon monoksida tidak dilaporkan (tuan rumah belum mengindikasikan apakah terdapat detektor karbon monoksida di properti; pertimbangkan untuk membawa detektor portabel)
  • Detektor asap (tuan rumah mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat detektor asap di properti)
  • Alat pemadam api


  • 1 gedung
  • 2 lantai
  • 3 unit
  • Arsitektur gaya tradisional
  • Taman

Properti serupa



Check-in mulai pukul: 15.00; Batas waktu check-in pukul: 19.00
Check-in lebih akhir tergantung ketersediaan
Usia check-in minimal - 18


Check-out sebelum 10.00
Tersedia check-out tanpa sentuh
Tersedia check-out ekspres

Petunjuk check-in khusus

Properti ini tidak memiliki resepsionis
Tempat check-in berbeda dengan lokasi properti; kunjungi: [685-2 Higashishiokojicho, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8216]
Tamu akan menerima email 72 jam yang berisi informasi check-in sebelum kedatangan; akses melalui pintu masuk pribadi
Harap hubungi properti setidaknya 24 jam sebelumnya, untuk mengatur prosedur check-in Anda
Harap hubungi properti sebelumnya jika Anda berencana akan tiba setelah jam 19.00
Seprai hanya tersedia untuk jumlah tamu yang termasuk dalam reservasi pada saat pemesanan.

Metode akses

Pintu masuk pribadi

Hewan peliharaan

Hewan peliharaan tidak diperkenankan masuk

Anak dan tempat tidur tambahan

Anak-anak diperbolehkan
Tempat tidur lipat/kasur tambahan tidak tersedia
Boks bayi (tempat tidur bayi) tidak tersedia

Jenis pembayaran properti

Informasi Penting


Anda akan diminta untuk membayar biaya berikut di properti. Biaya tersebut mungkin termasuk pajak yang berlaku:

  • Pajak kota akan ditagih di properti. Pajak kota berkisar antara JPY 200-1.000 per orang, per malam berdasarkan harga kamar per malam. Perhatikan bahwa pengecualian tambahan mungkin berlaku. Untuk detail selengkapnya, hubungi properti menggunakan informasi pada konfirmasi reservasi yang diterima setelah melakukan pemesanan.

Kami telah memasukkan semua biaya yang diberikan properti ke kami.

Anda harus tahu

Biaya penambahan orang dapat berlaku dan berbeda-beda menurut kebijakan properti
Tanda pengenal berfoto yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah dan kartu kredit, kartu debit, atau deposit uang tunai diperlukan saat check-in untuk biaya tidak terduga
Pemenuhan permintaan khusus bergantung pada ketersediaan sewaktu check-in dan mungkin menimbulkan biaya tambahan; permintaan khusus tidak dapat dijamin
Properti ini menerima kartu kredit, kartu debit, dan uang tunai
Belum ada informasi dari tuan rumah mengenai adanya detektor karbon moniksida di properti ini; pertimbangkan untuk membawa detektor portabel Anda sendiri
Tuan rumah telah menginformasikan bahwa properti ini memiliki detektor asap
Fitur keamanan di properti ini termasuk alat pemadam api
Harap diperhatikan bahwa norma budaya dan kebijakan tamu dapat berbeda berdasarkan negara dan properti; kebijakan yang tercantum disediakan oleh properti

Perlu diketahui

Hanya tamu terdaftar yang boleh menginap di kamar
Kementerian Kesehatan, Tenaga Kerja, dan Kesejahteraan Jepang mewajibkan semua pengunjung internasional menuliskan nomor paspor dan kewarganegaraan saat mendaftar di semua fasilitas menginap (penginapan, hotel, motel, dll.); selain itu, pemilik penginapan diharuskan membuat salinan paspor semua tamu yang terdaftar dan menyimpannya

Properti ini juga dikenal dengan nama

Machiya Inn
Machiya Residence
Machiya Residence Inn
Machiya Residence Inn Shikokuan
Shikokuan Machiya Residence
Shikokuan Machiya Residence Inn
Shikokuan Machiya Residence Inn Kyoto
Shikokuan Machiya Residence Kyoto
Shikoku An Machiya House Kyoto
Shikokuan Machiya Residence Inn
Shikoku-an Machiya Holiday House Kyoto
Shikoku-an Machiya Holiday House Private vacation home
Shikoku-an Machiya Holiday House Private vacation home Kyoto

Tentang kawasan sekitar

293-7 Shimizu-cho, Kawaramachi-dori, Matsubara-agaru, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto, 600-8025

Yang ada di sekitar

  • Kawaramachi Street - 2 mnt jalan kaki
  • Pontocho Alley - 7 mnt jalan kaki
  • Pasar Nishiki - 10 mnt jalan kaki
  • Kuil Yasaka - 14 mnt jalan kaki
  • Kuil Kiyomizu - 18 mnt jalan kaki


  • Stasiun Kyoto Kiyomizu-gojo - 6 mnt jalan kaki
  • Stasiun Gojo - 13 mnt jalan kaki
  • Osaka (ITM-Itami) - 52 menit berkendara


  • ‪レストラン グランカフェ フォション - ‬2 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪Coffee Base BnA - ‬1 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪Len - ‬2 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪山よし 四条河原町店 - ‬2 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪Amore 木屋町 - ‬2 mnt jalan kaki

Pertanyaan umum

Apakah Shikoku-an Machiya Holiday House ramah hewan peliharaan?

Tidak, hewan peliharaan tidak diperkenankan masuk di properti ini.

Berapa biaya parkir di Shikoku-an Machiya Holiday House?

Properti ini tidak menyediakan parkir.

Pukul berapa check-in di Shikoku-an Machiya Holiday House?

Check-in mulai pukul: 15.00; Batas waktu check-in pukul: 19.00. Check-in terlambat tersedia pada jam tertentu.

Pukul berapa check-out di Shikoku-an Machiya Holiday House?

Check-out pada pukul 10.00.

Di mana lokasi Shikoku-an Machiya Holiday House?

Terletak di Distrik Shimogyo, rumah liburan ini hanya 10 menit jalan kaki dari Kawaramachi Street, Pontocho Alley, dan Pasar Nishiki. Kuil Yasaka dan Kuil Kiyomizu juga berjarak 2 km saja.Stasiun Kyoto Kiyomizu-gojo berjarak 6 menit dengan berjalan kaki dan Stasiun Kyoto Kawaramachi berjarak 7 menit.

Ulasan Shikoku-an Machiya Holiday House




Penilaian 10 - Sangat Bagus. 22 dari 31 ulasan" "
Penilaian 8 - Bagus. 8 dari 31 ulasan" "
Penilaian 6 - Cukup Baik. 1 dari 31 ulasan" "
Penilaian 4 - Buruk. 0 dari 31 ulasan" "
Penilaian 2 - Sangat Buruk. 0 dari 31 ulasan" "




Staf & layanan




Kondisi & fasilitas properti


Ramah lingkungan


10/10 Sangat Bagus


Bepergian dalam rombongan, Bepergian bersama keluarga
Disukai: Kebersihan, fasilitas, kondisi & fasilitas properti
The machiya was fantastic!! Great location!! Very clean and had all the amenities we wanted! Upstairs room with Western beds was spacious and beautiful! The boys loved the futons downstairs for a true traditional Japanese experience.
Menginap 3 malam pada bulan Juni 2024

10/10 Sangat Bagus


Menginap 3 malam pada bulan Mei 2023

10/10 Sangat Bagus


10/10 Sangat Bagus

Traveler terverifikasi

Bepergian bersama keluarga
Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, fasilitas, kondisi & fasilitas properti
This machiya is fantastic! I'm so happy we chose to stay in Gion and in a traditional house instead of a hotel. It was very comfortable. My only complaint or warning to other travelers is that the steps to the bedroom are very steep. An elderly or very young traveler might have some difficulty maneuvering
Menginap 3 malam pada bulan Mei 2019

10/10 Sangat Bagus

Fernando, Katy, TX

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Great location, easy to find, easy to check in, communication with property staff great!
Menginap 3 malam pada bulan Juli 2018

10/10 Sangat Bagus

Bede, HK

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Menginap 3 malam pada bulan Desember 2017

10/10 Sangat Bagus


Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Great hotel, service, and location
The pictures on the site do not do it justice! This place is amazing with amazing staff. We wanted a beach trip, and the beach on the site didn't look that great so we opted for another beach before checking in. MISTAKE! The beach right next to the hotel is beautiful and when we went, barely any people there except surfers in the water. The water is turquoise and warm and it feels like you are in the tropics just outside of Tokyo. The staff were fantastic. We had dinner served in our room which was great and intimate. The food was amazing (very traditional Japanese food served in what seemed like endless courses). When we were done with dinner, a man came to roll out the futons which were more comfortable than my bed back home. The baths are also amazing, but one side (the one with the traditional outdoor bath) is better than the other. They switch the sides for the sexes depending on the day, so make sure you're there when you can take advantage of it (especially at night). The views of the beach from the baths are amazing as well. The location is the one downside. Getting to Shomida in general is a trek, and the hotel shuttles only run starting at 3, which if you want to get in early to take advantage of the beach means a taxi ride. They'll let you change at the hotel if you get there before check out though so you can take advantage of the beach. Looking forward to going again soon!
Menginap 3 malam pada bulan September 2017

10/10 Sangat Bagus

Traveler terverifikasi

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Cosy and functional residence with good location
My family loves the residence. My wife likes the little kitchen and washing machine. My youngest daughter likes the cosiness. Everybody has their special corner.

10/10 Sangat Bagus

Traveler terverifikasi

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Owsome place in Kyoto
This place is a japanesee home away from home. Would come back anytime and many times

10/10 Sangat Bagus

Traveler terverifikasi

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Extraordinary experience living as Japanese in a traditional home. Perfectly located close to the action yet on a quiet street.

10/10 Sangat Bagus

Lisa, Simi Valley, CA

Disukai: Kebersihan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Small traditional house in the heart of Kyoto
The house is located on a narrow street one block from a beautiful street with a waterway and two blocks from the river with a nice paved walkway along it. There are definitely lots of restaurants and shopping within walking distance, and the bus stops are close and easy to use once you get the hang of it. It is nice having a small house where the two kids slept upstairs and my husband and I slept downstairs on the mats. Having the ability to separate at the end of the day of sight seeing is awesome. As I read in the other reviews, while the washing machine works the drying cycle does not. You will need to hang your clothes up to dry. They provide a drying rack and hangers so definitely include using them in your laundry plans! This is great option for families.

8/10 Bagus

Dianne, Melbourne, Australia

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti
A great and traditional Japanese experience.
House was in a wonderful spot, close to Gion, for sight seeing and in walking distance to many places. Residence was what I'd imagine a traditional Japanese house is like and met my expectations. I would recommend a stay!

8/10 Bagus

Lene, Aarhus

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Ekstremt hyggeligt og top beliggenhed
Perfekt beliggende meget tæt på Gion og shopping graderne men i en stille gade helt tæt på kanalerne. Enormt hyggeligt område. Huset er yderst charmerende og man føler sig helt som en japaner, når man bor der. Eneste ulempe er, at sengene er lidt hårde. Fint til 2 voksne og 1-2 børn.

8/10 Bagus

Mahasin, Riyadh

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Good place to stay
The most great thing about the hotel is the location, it is perfect for anything you want to do in Kyoto. The house itself is good and clean, has all you need regardless of how long your stay is. One downside of the house that prevent me of enjoying the place, the house is divided into two floors by a very steep satirecase, bedroom and sitting room upstairs, bathrooms and kitchen downstairs if you are tall and big you may find it difficult to use it, either you stay up with no bathroom (problem with sleepy eyes in the morning or midnight or have children), or stay downstairs with no TV or sitting room if you can not sit on the floor until bedtime. The place will be perfect if a bathroom built upstairs, or get 50% of the problem solved by getting the sitting room with the tv downstaires. Other than this problem, the place is perfect.

8/10 Bagus


Disukai: Kondisi & fasilitas properti
Tidak Disukai: Kebersihan
Good place to stay with kids
Very good option to stay in central Kyoto and get a feel for living in the residential areas, wonderful atmosphere. Informatin about access could have been better at arrival, phonenumber was a dead ebnd so I had to find the Kyoto free wifi to find the right number. Well inside the house, we loved it. Two drawbacks - an extra bed could not be sorted until the second night. Cleanliness in the kitchen area was not perfect. Big plus for Machiya Residence providing their own speacilty coffee, great taste!

10/10 Sangat Bagus

Kaoru, New York

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Nice Hotel, Perfect Location
Overall, this is very nice hotel. There are few minor cons: 1. Stair is too steep for elders 2. cooking equipment and washer/dryer machine do not have full translation how to operate 3. cookware and dishware need to be improved the cleanliness.

8/10 Bagus

Jerry, south florida

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Nice snd cozy 2 story condo with lots of charm
Great location, tidy and has all the essentials. 4 star accommodation and lots of character for the adventurous seeking the local lifestyle. Only downside are that beds are too hard, futons uncomfortable and not enough pillows.

10/10 Sangat Bagus

stefanie, Sydney Australia

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Loved this wonderful little house.
Wonderful japanese house. Small but perfect. Lovely Japanese details everywhere. Great facilities. Beautiful and convenient location. A bit miniaturised but perfect.

8/10 Bagus


Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
家全体が清潔であり、キッチン用品が細部まで行き届いていたので、のんびりと食事をしたりくつろいで過ごすことが出来た。 お手洗いにスリッパがなかったが、素足で入るのは憚られるのでできれば置いて頂きたい。 また、TVが2階に設置だったので、こちらは居間にあると嬉しい。 全体的にホテルより快適な滞在でした。

10/10 Sangat Bagus

Katherine, Melbourne

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Quaint Japanese house in heart of Kyoto.
Wonderful stay in authentic Japanese house. Own kitchen and washing machine tucked behind sliding screens. Walking distance to Gion geisha district, southern Higashima temple and lane area. Also close to markets and main shopping strip. Lots of restaurants with open air tables beside the river. A perfect location.perfer

6/10 Cukup Baik

Angela, Sydney

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan
Quaint little hidden gem
It's close to everything & a beautiful neighbourhood, have no complaints about this little house other than to suggest that for larger people (ie: over 175cm and/or over 80kg), this little house will prob be slightly uncomfortable to live in. There is also no bathroom upstairs and the climb down those steep stairs in the middle of the night is a bit of an a adventure in itself >_<

8/10 Bagus

Traveler terverifikasi

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar

10/10 Sangat Bagus


Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar

10/10 Sangat Bagus

Traveler terverifikasi

Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Historic charm in a great location
We stayed at this machiya in December. It is a historic building, with all the charm and practical problems that one would expect of a historic building--wooden beauty, classic design, sliding screen doors, tatami rooms on the upside, and poor insulation, bathrooms only on the ground floor, and a very steep staircase on the downside. Of course, the advantages are well worth the disadvantages, so long as no one in your party has a mobility disability. The machiya itself is gorgeous and well maintained. It has been modernized with two nice bathrooms (note that the AC/heat extends poorly to both). The beds are on the hard side, but comfortable. There is a flat screen TV and a computer to use, as well as wifi. Maid service comes daily. The machiya is smaller than we expected. The main living room is only 4 tatamis, and the side room is even smaller. It is perfectly good for a couple, but not much more. The customer service was fantastic from reservation through the very last day of our stay. Their English is excellent--including at least one native speaker of English--a luxury in Japan! The location is great, about a 10 minute walk to the historic Gion district and Shijo Dori, with many temples and shrines are within walking distance, and restaurants & a grocery store 5 minutes away. We definitely would recommend this machiya. Even more strongly than the machiya itself, we recommend Machiya Residence Inn, which manages quite a few machiyas.

10/10 Sangat Bagus

Traveler terverifikasi

Disukai: Kebersihan, kondisi & fasilitas properti
Great Location in Historic Kyoto House
Great location, only a short walk to the Gion District. House is in great condition, two toilets and nice shower/bath room. Very traditional with very little furniture. Looks like it should sleep 6, but only has bedding for 4. Nice little kitchen, washer/dryer takes about 5 hours per load. Stairs are very steep, more like a ladder. The directions to get to the office were very confusing. Once you sign in, you need to take a taxi to the house. Hard to find the first time, but right next to the canal and river, so easy landmarks. Make sure to rent bikes for the day, you can find a shop only a few blocks away and they don't cost much.