Manfaatkan sarapan prasmanan gratis, teras, dan mini golf di An Hoa Residence. Untuk beristirahat dan rileks, kunjungi sauna. Bistro masakan Vietnam di properti ini, Bistro, menawarkan sarapan, makan siang, dan makan malam. Akses Internet nirkabel gratis, dengan kecepatan 50+ Mbps, serta taman dan laundry/dry cleaning tersedia untuk semua tamu.
Anda juga akan menikmati manfaat berikut selama Anda menginap:
Kolam renang outdoor dengan kursi berjemur dan payung pantai/kolam renang
Parkir mandiri gratis gratis
Peminjaman sepeda gratis di properti, aula perjamuan, dan bell boy
Layanan concierge, ruang rapat, dan meja biliar
Fitur kamar
Semua kamar tamu dilengkapi dengan perabotan berbeda-beda, dan mempunyai kenyamanan seperti kolam spa pribadi indoor dan kolam renang pribadi, serta fasilitasi seperti seprai premium dan ruang kerja ramah laptop.
Fasilitas lain termasuk:
Perlengkapan mandi desainer, shower, dan pengering rambut
Televisi LCD dengan TV satelit
Halaman pribadi, lemari dan ruang baju, dan ruang duduk terpisah
Inggris, Prancis, Vietnam
Fasilitas properti
Tersedia di semua kamar: Wi-Fi gratis
Kecepatan Wi-Fi dalam kamar: 50+ Mbps
Tersedia di beberapa area publik: Wi-Fi gratis
Tempat parkir dan transportasi
Gratis parkir mandiri aman beratap di properti
Makanan dan minuman
Sarapan gratis prasmanan tersedia pukul setiap hari 07.30 hingga 10.00
1 restoran
Restoran di properti
Cocok untuk keluarga
1 kolam renang outdoor
Dapur dalam kamar
Fasilitas laundry
Kamar kedap suara
Kolam renang pribadi
Mini golf
Ruang tamu
Brankas di resepsionis
Fasilitas laundry
Penitipan koper
Resepsionis 24 jam
Layanan tamu
Layanan concierge
Layanan laundry/dry cleaning
Pembersihan kamar (setiap hari)
Layanan bisnis
Ruang rapat
Area piknik
Kursi di kolam renang
Payung kolam renang
Pemanggang barbeku
Layanan Spa
Jika Anda memiliki permintaan untuk fasilitas difabel tertentu, harap hubungi properti menggunakan informasi yang tertera pada konfirmasi reservasi yang diterima setelah memesan.
Dapat diakses kursi roda (dengan batasan)
Jalur ke pintu masuk yang terang
Lantai ubin di kamar
Restoran dapat diakses kursi roda
Tidak ada lift
Aula banquet
Ruang merokok khusus
Fasilitas kamar
Kamar tidur
Kasur busa memori
Tempat tidur premium
Tirai kedap cahaya
Kamar mandi
Handuk disediakan
Jubah mandi
Pengering rambut
Perlengkapan mandi desainer
Sikat dan pasta gigi
Tisu toilet
Kolam Renang Pribadi
TV LCD dengan saluran satelit
Makanan dan minuman
Air minum kemasan gratis
Ketel listrik
Layanan chef
Layanan kamar terbatas
Dekorasi khusus
Kamar kedap suara
Meja tulis
Perabot khusus
Ruang duduk terpisah
Ruang kerja laptop
Ruang tamu
Waktu check-in mulai pukul 14.00
Check-in lebih akhir tergantung ketersediaan
Usia check-in minimal - 18
Check-out sebelum tengah hari
Petunjuk check-in khusus
Resepsionis akan menyambut tamu saat kedatangan
Harap hubungi properti sebelumnya jika Anda berencana akan tiba setelah jam 15.00
Metode akses
Bellboy atau resepsionis
Hewan peliharaan
Hewan peliharaan atau hewan pemandu tidak diperkenankan masuk
Anak dan tempat tidur tambahan
Anak-anak diperbolehkan
1 anak, hingga usia 5 tahun, dapat menginap gratis jika menggunakan tempat tidur yang ada saat menginap di kamar orang tua atau wali; anak-anak mungkin tidak memenuhi syarat untuk sarapan gratis
Jenis pembayaran properti
Informasi Penting
Anda harus tahu
Biaya penambahan orang dapat berlaku dan berbeda-beda menurut kebijakan properti
Tanda pengenal berfoto yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah dan kartu kredit, kartu debit, atau deposit uang tunai diperlukan saat check-in untuk biaya tidak terduga
Pemenuhan permintaan khusus bergantung pada ketersediaan sewaktu check-in dan mungkin menimbulkan biaya tambahan; permintaan khusus tidak dapat dijamin
Properti ini menerima kartu kredit dan uang tunai
Harap diperhatikan bahwa norma budaya dan kebijakan tamu dapat berbeda berdasarkan negara dan properti; kebijakan yang tercantum disediakan oleh properti
Perlu diketahui
Properti ini tidak memiliki lift
Undang-undang setempat dapat melarang tamu yang belum menikah untuk berbagi kamar; tamu wajib memberikan bukti pernikahan, jika diminta oleh properti
Hanya tamu terdaftar yang boleh menginap di kamar
Hewan peliharaan, termasuk hewan pemandu, tidak diizinkan di properti ini
Properti ini juga dikenal dengan nama
An Hoa Residence Hotel
An Hoa Residence Long Dien
Hoa Residence Hotel Long Dien
Hoa Residence Long Dien
An Hoa Residence Hotel Long Dien
Pertanyaan umum
Apakah An Hoa Residence memiliki kolam renang?
Ya, properti ini dilengkapi kolam renang outdoor.
Apakah An Hoa Residence ramah hewan peliharaan?
Tidak, hewan peliharaan tidak diperkenankan masuk di properti ini.
Berapa biaya parkir di An Hoa Residence?
Parkir mandiri gratis di properti ini gratis.
Pukul berapa check-in di An Hoa Residence?
Check-in dimulai pukul 14.00.Check-in terlambat tersedia pada jam tertentu.
Pukul berapa check-out di An Hoa Residence?
Check-out pada pukul tengah hari.
Di mana lokasi An Hoa Residence?
Terletak di Long Dien, hotel pantai ini berjarak 2 km dari Pantai Long Hai dan Kuil Dinh Co. Chua Khi Temple berjarak 3,6 km.
Ulasan An Hoa Residence
Sangat Bagus
Semua ulasan yang ditampilkan berasal dari pengalaman tamu yang nyata. Hanya traveler yang telah memesan penginapan dengan kami yang dapat mengirimkan ulasan. Kami memverifikasi ulasan sesuai dengan panduan kami dan memublikasikan semua ulasan, baik itu positif maupun negatif.Informasi selengkapnyaTerbuka di jendela baru
Penilaian 10 - Sangat Bagus. 12 dari 20 ulasan" "
10 - Sangat Bagus
Penilaian 8 - Bagus. 3 dari 20 ulasan" "
8 - Bagus
Penilaian 6 - Cukup Baik. 4 dari 20 ulasan" "
6 - Cukup Baik
Penilaian 4 - Buruk. 1 dari 20 ulasan" "
4 - Buruk
Penilaian 2 - Sangat Buruk. 0 dari 20 ulasan" "
2 - Sangat Buruk
Staf & layanan
Kondisi & fasilitas properti
Ramah lingkungan
4/10 Buruk
Bepergian dalam rombongan
26 Feb 2024
Disukai: Staf & layanan
Tidak Disukai: Kebersihan, fasilitas, kondisi & fasilitas properti
Not like that
Menginap 1 malam pada bulan Februari 2024
6/10 Cukup Baik
T, Seattle US
7 Agu 2018
Disukai: Staf & layanan
Tidak Disukai: Kondisi & fasilitas properti
Facility is ok. Water was leaking from standing shower room. Stafffs were friendly.
Tidak Disukai: Kebersihan, kondisi & fasilitas properti, kenyamanan kamar
Sviitissä oli vain parisänky ja pitkä huoneen mittainen kapea pöytä ja yksi puinen tuoli. Vaatekaapin ovet ei auenneet kokonaan. Pyydettäessä huoneeseen tuotiin irrallinen vanha tallelokero. Iso parveke josta näkymä merelle.
Omistajan ja henkilökunnan palvelu oli ystävällistä ja saimme vuorokaudeksi käyttöön Villan jossa oli oma uima-allas ilman eri maksua.
Meget avslappende sted, men noe øde. Man må sykle 15 minutter for å komme til den lille havnebyen hvor det er noen gateresrauranter. hotellet er rent og pent og ligger på stranden. Fantastiske ansatte som gir god service! Ble oppgradert de første dagene til en diger villa med eget basseng. Fin og romslig, litt 80-tallspreg. Fikk servert en diger og velsmakende frokost i villaen hver dag.
Perfekt for de som ønsker å ha stranden og området for seg selv, men er nok litt øde for de som ønsker restauranter og liv om kvelden.
Traveler terverifikasi
8/10 Bagus
16 Jan 2017
Disukai: Staf & layanan, kenyamanan kamar
Large rooms but not that great
We were upgraded to a better room, and it was huge - we had 2 bedrooms, a large lounge, kitchen etc.
I must say, the furnishings downstairs was not my taste 0 looked a bit like a leftovers slapped together to fill the space. We also had our own pool with was great. The breakfast in te morning was really not great. But I recon because we were the only people on the property they did not bother much. We had tea/ coffee, orange juice, bananas, cheese ( 1 piece each) and bread. When I asked if they have anything else the next morning, they did not - so this was not good from a hotel that claims so many stars. We also inquired about motor bike rental, but they wanted to charge us 100 000 dong per hour! Down the road it was 150 dong A DAY. They seem to try and up prices on everything - from minibar to menu - so no suprise we did not eat there
We broke up our time time in Ho Chi Minh City with a 3 night stay at the beach area of Long Hai. We had booked for a 2 bedroom villa, but were upgraded on arrival to the 3 bedroom villa. All 4 of our family were gob smacked with the villa when we were shown it. The 3 stories plus the roof top sun deck provided a massive area of accommodation. The rooms are furnished in a rather quirky, but attractive way. Walking straight out of your living room to a decent sized private swimming pool capped off the incredulous reaction that we had. The dining options were limited on site, but you could self cater in the villa. Neighboring resorts had far better dining options than on offer at An Hoa. The staff were very friendly and accommodating, but the English language abilities were generally far less than what we experienced right in Ho Chi Minh City, and it is our shortcoming that we don't speak Vietnamese.
6/10 Cukup Baik
le, sydney, Australia
21 Mar 2016
Disukai: Kebersihan, staf & layanan
Very nice location.
Our penthouse was old and not that great. Too many stuff in the house ( clutter ) it would have been better to remove most of the old deco items ( fake fruits and table setting ) one of the beds was very bad ( made a lot of noise )
We saw pool cleaners tip cleaning water after they wash the floor then dump into the pool where we have been swimming with the kids over the 3 days.
Perfekt für Strand und Erholungshungrige.
Umgebung ist ok, nicht unbedingt auf Touristen ausgelegt
aber das ist auch gar nicht notwendig wenn man Erholung
sucht, das Essen ist frisch und ausgezeichnet.
Der Strand ist für vietnamesische Verhältnisse sehr sauber
und das Service ist perfekt.
Die Villen sind wunderschön und es ist sehr ruhig.
Wenn man Erholung und Ruhe sucht hat man dort alles was man
braucht und noch mehr.
Und wenn man dann doch einmal einen Ausflug machen möchte ist
die Urlaubshalbinsel Vung Tau nicht weit entfernt, außerdem
gibt es in Gehnähe vom Hotel drei wunderschöne Tempel.
Weiterempfehlung: 100%.
6/10 Cukup Baik
Traveler terverifikasi
8 Feb 2016
Tidak Disukai: Staf & layanan
Villas in Strandnähe
Die Villen sind eher etwas für Gruppen, die dort gemeinsam feiern und sich auch selbst versorgen wollen. Die Lage ist recht abseits vom Ort gelegen, der auch nicht so viel bietet. Der Strand ist direkt vor der Tür, aber zum Baden nur bedingt geeignet.
Die Villen haben fast alle einen eigenen Pool im Garten, aber durch die direkte Nähe der Häuser zueinander bieten diese kaum private Atmosphäre, besonders wenn zum Wochenende die Karoake-Anlagen getestet werden.
Our first 3 days were absolutely wonderful. We were upgraded to a villa with a private pool and it was spectacular. On our last 2 days, we were moved to a 2 bedroom. The layout of the two bedroom was odd with the living area downstairs and the bedrooms upstairs (but needing to go outside to get to them). It didn't feel very private as there were additional bedrooms above us that shared our stairs. Overall it was a good experience and the staff was amazing. Very remote location. Perfect for family time but nothing else nearby.
Best stay in Long Hai. We stayed midweek and got upgraded to a 600 sqm villa with private pool. Clean, spacious, quiet, great food, very friendly and serviceminded staff that arrange everything you need. Great seaview from roof terracce, 3 minutes walking distance to private beach. We would love to bring some friends and come back some time.
방 3개짜리 빌라에 숙박했는 데 풀장이 있어서 수영도 하고 바베큐도 하고 모두 서비스해 주어 즐거운 시간을 보낼 수 있었고 아침도 빌라 안에서 먹게 서비스되어 편리했습니다. 거의 모든 시설이 잘 되어 있었는 데 욕조의 샤워기등이 부실해 사용이 잘 안 되었습니다. 바로 앞에 있는 해변은 깨끗하고 아름다웠습니다.근처에 상점이 없어서 시내까지 차로 나가야 하는 것은 좀 불편했습니다.
Amazing private villa -- glorious customer service
My family and I (three grandparents, two parents, three young children) finished a 10-day stay in Vietnam with 5 nights at the An Hoa Residence. It exceeded our greatest expectations -- the food was wonderful, the breakfasts amazing, the private pool made the children gleeful (and us relaxed), the beach was steps away (and lovely) and the staff was beyond wonderful. Free bike rentals, cabs whenever we needed them, tourist tips and information, and ... well, it was just the best vacation ever.
We came for one night for a quick getaway from Saigon. Out of the hustle and bustle, this place is tucked away at the quiet end of the beach. The rooms are well appointed, the food at the resort was good and the staff are very helpful. The room we stayed in did not have a pool, so that is worth checking when you book, however the staff allowed us to use a villa pool that was unoccupied. The beach is nice and quiet, no people around, however it is not super clean with rubbish around on the beach depending on the tide. Overall though its a great place to visit and worth it.