Unique features of La Perla include the beaches and restaurants. Make a stop by Bristol Beach or Alfonsina Storni Monument while you're exploring the area.
Travellers like the parks in Bosque Peralta Ramos, and Peralta Ramos Woods is a top attraction you might want to visit.
Travellers like the beaches in Constitucion, and La Perla Beach is a top attraction you might want to visit.
Our Los Acantilados holiday packages, which start from just , are an easy way to save precious money. Pick your favourite hotels, flights and rental car to create your dream escape.
It's as simple as bundling. Hotels, flights and rental cars — combine whatever you need into a Los Acantilados holiday package and save. Score even better deals when you include extras such as tours or experiences to your booking. But that's not the only good part. You have the flexibility to put together your holiday your way. We offer over 550 partner airlines and 1,000,000 hotels across the globe, so that everyone has an opportunity to travel and fulfil those holiday dreams.
Make sightseeing a breeze by staying in a hotel near Los Acantilados's terrific attractions. Colon Square and Torreon del Monje are two of the best in this neighbourhood.
It's difficult to pick the perfect time for airfares, but we generally say the earlier, the better. Many international flights on Expedia become available up to a year in advance. If you're booking last minute, fear not. Budget prices occasionally appear within a few weeks of departure dates.
It all comes down to what type of trip you have in mind. Los Acantilados holiday deals can include hotels, car rentals and flights. You can mix and match to find the bundle that suits your style and budget. You can also add on experiences and activities after you've booked to score even bigger discounts.
A travel package can be customized for your circumstances and is a simple way to make your hard-earned dollars stretch further. How much you include is completely up to you. Hotels, rental cars and flights — choose any combination that works with your plans.
You certainly can. We have more than 550 partner airlines across the globe, so pick the carrier that suits your budget needs.
Don't worry if you're rethinking your Los Acantilados holiday package — it's possible to cancel or amend your booking. And if you've booked it within the last 24 hours, you may be able to do it at no cost. However, bookings made more than 24 hours ago may incur fees from your hotel, airline or car rental company. We understand life can sometimes throw you a curveball, so look up our Customer Service Portal if that happens. When you're ready to make changes, we'll take care of it.