Taejongdae Park

Taejongdae Park featuring rugged coastline and general coastal views

Hike along the dramatic cliffs and through the misty pine forests of this peninsula park, where legends say the gods once came to relax.

One of the southernmost points in Busan, Taejongdae Park is one of Busan’s best natural landscapes. Take a walk on the gentle hiking trails, enjoy the coastal views and find a little tranquility after exploring busy Busan.

Climb the spiral staircase of the park’s lighthouse for bird’s-eye views. To the west, Busan’s skyline peeks out from behind the forested cliffs of the peninsula. To the southwest, look for Japan’s Tsushima Island, which is visible on clear days.

From the lighthouse, follow the boardwalk to reach the path down to seaside cliffs. A wide, safe platform lets you walk out all the way to the edge. From here, watch as waves crash against the cliffs below and ferryboats float to and from the Busan city centre.

Explore the peninsula’s quiet pine forests on the paved paths running through it. Among the trees, look for two Buddhist temples: Taejongsa Temple and Gumyeongsa Temple. The approximately 2-mile (3-kilometre) loop around the west side of the peninsula leads down to the lighthouse and back to the entrance along the docks on the northwest side. Once you arrive back at the park entrance, head down to the pebbled beach and sample freshly caught seafood at the colourful clam tents.

From the docks, take a boat out to Oryukdo Island, which features a lighthouse built upon a small rock just large enough to support it. This boat trip provides spectacular views of the peninsula and the coastline around it.

Parking for Taejongdae Park is available at the northern end of the peninsula for a small fee. Buses run directly between Busan Station and Taejongdae. For a fee, you can ride a tram along the park’s 2-mile (3-kilometre) loop. If you intend to follow the hiking trail at Taejongdae Park, wear comfortable shoes, apply plenty of sunscreen and pack some drinking water. Note that the trail is steep in some parts.

Taejongdae Park Travel Guide Video

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