Depart from Durban at 7.30am and head off to Howick Falls. From Howick falls we go a short distance to Nelson Mandela Capture Site, also in Howick. Thereafter we go to the Drakensberg Mountains where we also do hiking into the mountains. We return back to Durban in late afternoon at around 6.30pm.
Howick Falls are simply breathtaking, and the deafening rush of water from the viewing deck is incredibly relaxing and mystifying at the same time. At 95m, they're the same height as Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe and date back to when Kwazulu Natal was first inhabited by man. Several arts and crafts stalls can be found on the viewing platform and along Morling Road which leads down to the falls.
Nelson Mandela was arrested on 5 August 1962 outside Howick,
Natal, South Africa. He spent the next 27 years of his life in prison. The Nelson Mandela Capture Site commemorates this moment in history with a visitor centre and a world renowned sculpture. We tour the museuam as well as the monument with great opportunities for photographs.
The Drakensberg Mountains, the largest mountain range in South Africa is a truly magical place. It’s no wonder that J.R.R. Tolkien saw this landscape as inspiration for the part of Middle Earth called the Misty Mountains. The uKhahlamba-Drakensberg Park is home to 35 000 examples of San rock paintings and a huge diversity of protected plant and animal species.
While there are many mountains in South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal's 200km long uKhahlamba-Drakensberg escarpment is by far the most impressive. With peaks that exceed 3000m, the Berg – as locals like to call it – forms the backbone of the Maloti-Drakensberg Transfrontier Conservation and Development Area between the Kingdom of Lesotho and South Africa. We hike into the Drakensberg Mountains.