Amsterdam: Canal Booze Cruise with Unlimited Drinks Option
Picture 3 for Activity Amsterdam: Winter Booze Cruise with Unlimited Drinks Option
Picture 10 for Activity Amsterdam: Winter Booze Cruise with Unlimited Drinks Option
Picture 2 for Activity Amsterdam: Covered Booze Cruise with Unlimited Drinks Option
Picture 4 for Activity Amsterdam: Winter Booze Cruise with Unlimited Drinks Option

Amsterdam Pesiar Minuman Keras di Kanal dengan Opsi Minuman Tak Terbatas

Oleh Starboard Boats
9,2 dari 10
Tersedia pembatalan gratis
Harga Rp378.635 per dewasa
  • Tersedia pembatalan gratis
  • 1j
  • Voucher mobile
  • Konfirmasi instan
  • Berlayar melalui kanal-kanal terkenal di Amsterdam dengan anggur muled hangat di tangan Anda
  • Habiskan waktu berkualitas bersama teman atau keluarga Anda di atas kapal listrik yang mewah
  • Minum sebanyak yang Anda bisa sebelum Anda pergi ke kota selama pelayaran 1 jam kami
  • Mulai dari titik keberangkatan Pusat Kota atau Distrik Lampu Merah kami
  • Selimut hangat disediakan, Jika cuaca hujan, perahu kami tertutup

Lokasi aktivitas

    • Amsterdam
    • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Titik Temu/Berangkat

    • Oudezijds Voorburgwal 230, 1012 GK Amsterdam, Netherlands | Find the local partner and your skipper at the meeting point. The local staff will be dressed in blue. Please show your voucher to your host at the start of the tour. Please keep in mind that late guests will not be waited for. No refunds are available for late guests. Be aware that there are other companies departing from the same location. They are all aware of the local operator and will ask you to wait patiently until your boat arrives. On busy days there may be some delays due to traffic. If you booked our 2 drinks option, you will not not receive the Unlimited Drinks package. However if this is the case, you can always upgrade when arriving to the boat.
    • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Tersedia beberapa titik berkumpul atau penukaran, lihat informasi lokasi untuk daftar lengkap

Periksa ketersediaan

Titik Pertemuan Distrik Lampu Merah dengan Minuman Sepuasnya
  • Durasi aktivitas adalah 1 jam1j
  • Inggris

Nikmati Pesiar Minuman Keras dengan bir, anggur, dan soda sepuasnya di atas kapal. Jika slot waktu yang Anda inginkan tidak tersedia di sini, Anda dapat memesan salah satu opsi lain di bawah ini. Kelompok bujangan tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan kapal pesiar umum, silakan pesan opsi privat di bawah ini.

Pilihan bahasa: Inggris
Rincian harga
Rp523.925 x 1 DewasaRp523.925

Harga Rp523.925
Konten di halaman ini mungkin diproduksi dengan terjemahan mesin

Apa yang sudah termasuk dan apa yang belum

  • Sudah termasukSudah termasukPelayaran minuman keras
  • Sudah termasukSudah termasuk Nakhoda
  • Sudah termasukSudah termasuk Tuan rumah
  • Sudah termasukSudah termasuk Bilah terbuka (jika opsi dipilih)
  • Sudah termasukSudah termasuk 2 minuman (jika opsi dipilih)

Ketahui sebelum memesan

  • Tidak diperbolehkan: Hewan peliharaan
  • Tidak cocok untuk: Anak di bawah 18 tahun, pengguna kursi roda

Apa yang bisa Anda harapkan

Anda dapat minum di bar di kota mana pun di dunia, tetapi untuk mendapatkan pengalaman Amsterdam yang sesungguhnya, Anda tidak dapat melakukan hal yang lebih baik daripada berpesiar di kanal yang terkenal di dunia, menikmati pemandangan dengan bir dingin di tangan. Bergabunglah dengan Pelayaran Minuman Keras kami yang intim dengan jumlah maksimum 26 orang di atas kapal.

Berangkat dari pusat kota dan berlayarlah melalui beberapa kanal utama kota. Susuri Sungai Amstel, di bawah 7 jembatan, dan temukan permata tersembunyi yang hanya nakhoda dan tuan rumah setempat yang tahu cara menemukannya.

Pelayaran Anda pada akhirnya akan kembali ke tempat yang sama dengan tempat Anda memulai, tepat di pusat kota, tempat yang Anda inginkan setelah pelayaran dengan bar terbuka.


Lokasi aktivitas

    • Amsterdam
    • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Titik Temu/Berangkat

    • Oudezijds Voorburgwal 230, 1012 GK Amsterdam, Netherlands | Find the local partner and your skipper at the meeting point. The local staff will be dressed in blue. Please show your voucher to your host at the start of the tour. Please keep in mind that late guests will not be waited for. No refunds are available for late guests. Be aware that there are other companies departing from the same location. They are all aware of the local operator and will ask you to wait patiently until your boat arrives. On busy days there may be some delays due to traffic. If you booked our 2 drinks option, you will not not receive the Unlimited Drinks package. However if this is the case, you can always upgrade when arriving to the boat.
    • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    • Oudezijds Voorburgwal 230, 1012 GK Amsterdam, Netherlands | Find the local partner and your skipper at the meeting point. The local staff will be dressed in blue. Please show your voucher to your host at the start of the tour. Please keep in mind that late guests will not be waited for. No refunds are available for late guests. Be aware that there are other companies departing from the same location. They are all aware of the local operator and will ask you to wait patiently until your boat arrives. On busy days there may be some delays due to traffic. If you booked our 2 drinks option, you will not not receive the Unlimited Drinks package. However if this is the case, you can always upgrade when arriving to the boat.
    • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    • Oudezijds Voorburgwal 230, 1012 GK Amsterdam, Netherlands | Find the local partner and your skipper at the meeting point. The local staff will be dressed in blue. Please show your voucher to your host at the start of the tour. Please keep in mind that late guests will not be waited for. No refunds are available for late guests. Be aware that there are other companies departing from the same location. They are all aware of the local operator and will ask you to wait patiently until your boat arrives. On busy days there may be some delays due to traffic. If you booked our 2 drinks option, you will not not receive the Unlimited Drinks package. However if this is the case, you can always upgrade when arriving to the boat.
    • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands