Berlin: The WOW! Gallery Selfie Museum Entry Ticket
Picture 4 for Activity Berlin: The WOW! Gallery Selfie Museum Entry Ticket
Picture 9 for Activity Berlin: The WOW! Gallery Selfie Museum Entry Ticket
Picture 6 for Activity Berlin: The WOW! Gallery Selfie Museum Entry Ticket
Picture 8 for Activity Berlin: The WOW! Gallery Selfie Museum Entry Ticket

Berlin: The WOW! Tiket Masuk Museum Galeri Selfie

Oleh The WOW! Gallery Berlin
9,6 dari 10
  • Voucher mobile
  • Konfirmasi instan
  • Bebaskan kreativitas Anda dan biarkan imajinasi Anda menjadi liar di WOW! Galeri
  • Nikmati pencahayaan profesional untuk foto-foto Anda di Museum Selfie di Berlin
  • Masuki "Upside-Down Set" dan pertanyakan realitas dengan ilusi yang memukau
  • Nikmati pengalaman bercermin yang memukau dengan "Ruang Cermin Impian"
  • Manfaatkan teknologi VR dan AR mutakhir dari WOW BOX untuk membuat gulungan

Lokasi aktivitas

    • Berlin
    • Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Titik Temu/Berangkat

    • Tamara-Danz-Straße 11, 10243 Berlin, Germany | To reach the WOW Gallery Selfie Museum, follow these directions: Head to the Eastside Mall. Once inside the mall, make your way to the first floor. Look for the Thalia Buchhandlung (bookstore) on the first floor. The WOW Gallery Selfie Museum is located right next to the Thalia Buchhandlung. If you're visiting on a Sunday, please note that the museum is open on Sundays. To enter the mall, please use the entrance from Mercedes Benz Platz. You'll find the entrance to the mall directly next to Starbucks. Please note that these directions are specifically tailored for finding the WOW Gallery Selfie Museum in the Eastside Mall. Feel free to include them in any customer assistance materials or explanations.
    • Berlin, Berlin, Germany

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Periksa ketersediaan

Maaf aktivitas ini tidak tersedia pada Kam, 20 Feb
Harap pilih tanggal lain
Konten di halaman ini mungkin diproduksi dengan terjemahan mesin

Apa yang sudah termasuk dan apa yang belum

  • Sudah termasukSudah termasukPintu masuk ke Berlin WOW! Galeri Museum Selfie
  • Tidak termasukTidak termasukMakanan atau minuman
  • Tidak termasukTidak termasuk Transportasi

Ketahui sebelum memesan

  • Tidak diperbolehkan: Drone, Makanan dan minuman, Hewan peliharaan (anjing pendamping diperbolehkan)

Apa yang bisa Anda harapkan

Temukan lebih dari 35 set di area seluas 700 meter persegi di WOW! Galeri! Bebaskan kreativitas Anda, menangkap foto-foto unik dalam lingkungan yang bercahaya sempurna. Nikmati set klasik seperti lubang bola merah muda, piramida reflektif, dan koridor LED, di samping instalasi baru. Rasakan pengalaman “WOW BOX,” sebuah set film berteknologi tinggi dengan kemampuan realitas virtual. Masuki “Ruang Cermin Impian” yang menawan dengan langit yang artistik. Jangan lewatkan “Kubus Dinding LED” dan “Set Terbalik” yang memukau. Dengan teknologi film yang mutakhir, setiap kunjungan menawarkan kemungkinan tak terbatas untuk pemotretan yang dipersonalisasi. Kunjungi situs web WOW! Gallery, museum selfie paling inovatif di Eropa, untuk momen tak terlupakan.


Lokasi aktivitas

    • Berlin
    • Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Titik Temu/Berangkat

    • Tamara-Danz-Straße 11, 10243 Berlin, Germany | To reach the WOW Gallery Selfie Museum, follow these directions: Head to the Eastside Mall. Once inside the mall, make your way to the first floor. Look for the Thalia Buchhandlung (bookstore) on the first floor. The WOW Gallery Selfie Museum is located right next to the Thalia Buchhandlung. If you're visiting on a Sunday, please note that the museum is open on Sundays. To enter the mall, please use the entrance from Mercedes Benz Platz. You'll find the entrance to the mall directly next to Starbucks. Please note that these directions are specifically tailored for finding the WOW Gallery Selfie Museum in the Eastside Mall. Feel free to include them in any customer assistance materials or explanations.
    • Berlin, Berlin, Germany
    • East Side Mall, Tamara-Danz-Straße 11, 10243 Berlin, Germany | To reach the WOW Gallery Selfie Museum, follow these directions: Head to the Eastside Mall. Once inside the mall, make your way to the first floor. Look for the Thalia Buchhandlung (bookstore) on the first floor. The WOW Gallery Selfie Museum is located right next to the Thalia Buchhandlung. If you're visiting on a Sunday, please note that the museum is open on Sundays. To enter the mall, please use the entrance from Mercedes Benz Platz. You'll find the entrance to the mall directly next to Starbucks. Please note that these directions are specifically tailored for finding the WOW Gallery Selfie Museum in the Eastside Mall. Feel free to include them in any customer assistance materials or explanations.
    • Berlin, Berlin, Germany
    • East Side Mall, Tamara-Danz-Straße 11, 10243 Berlin, Germany | To reach the WOW Gallery Selfie Museum, follow these directions: Head to the Eastside Mall. Once inside the mall, make your way to the first floor. Look for the Thalia Buchhandlung (bookstore) on the first floor. The WOW Gallery Selfie Museum is located right next to the Thalia Buchhandlung. If you're visiting on a Sunday, please note that the museum is open on Sundays. To enter the mall, please use the entrance from Mercedes Benz Platz. You'll find the entrance to the mall directly next to Starbucks. Please note that these directions are specifically tailored for finding the WOW Gallery Selfie Museum in the Eastside Mall. Feel free to include them in any customer assistance materials or explanations.
    • Berlin, Berlin, Germany