From Quito: Full-Day Papallacta Tour
Picture 1 for Activity From Quito: Full-Day Papallacta Tour
Picture 6 for Activity From Quito: Full-Day Papallacta Tour
Picture 4 for Activity From Quito: Full-Day Papallacta Tour
Picture 5 for Activity From Quito: Full-Day Papallacta Tour

Dari Quito: Tur Papallacta Sehari Penuh

Oleh Quindetour Cia. Ltda
9,2 dari 10
Tersedia pembatalan gratis
Harga Rp1.810.708 per dewasa
  • Tersedia pembatalan gratis
  • 7j
  • Voucher mobile
  • Konfirmasi instan
  • Beberapa bahasa
  • Nikmati berendam di kolam air panas di Papallacta
  • Nikmati panorama dari sudut pandang di laguna Papallacta
  • Berjalanlah di sepanjang jalur La Isla untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang flora dan fauna di area ini

Lokasi aktivitas

    • Quito
    • Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador

Titik Temu/Berangkat

    • Naciones Unidas Ave, Quito 170506, Ecuador | Meet your guide at the Quito Tour Bus main stop on Naciones Unidas Boulevard.
    • Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador

Periksa ketersediaan

Dari Quito: Tur Papallacta Sehari Penuh
  • Durasi aktivitas adalah 7 jam7j
  • Inggris
Waktu mulai: 07.00
Rincian harga
Rp1.810.708 x 2 DewasaRp3.621.416

Harga Rp3.621.416
Konten di halaman ini mungkin diproduksi dengan terjemahan mesin

Apa yang sudah termasuk dan apa yang belum

  • Sudah termasukSudah termasukTransportasi dengan bus wisata
  • Sudah termasukSudah termasuk Pemandu berbahasa Inggris/Spanyol
  • Sudah termasukSudah termasuk Tiket masuk Pemandian Air Panas Papallacta
  • Sudah termasukSudah termasuk Kunjungan ke Danau Papallacta

Apa yang bisa Anda harapkan

Mulailah tur Anda dengan berhenti di gardu pandang di laguna Papallacta untuk mengagumi lanskap di sekitarnya, sebelum tiba di resor Termas de Papallacta. Nikmati jalan kaki singkat di sepanjang jalur La Isla untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang flora dan fauna setempat. Luangkan waktu luang untuk bersantai di pemandian air panas di spa dan makan siang sendiri, sebelum kembali ke Quito.


Lokasi aktivitas

    • Quito
    • Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador

Titik Temu/Berangkat

    • Naciones Unidas Ave, Quito 170506, Ecuador | Meet your guide at the Quito Tour Bus main stop on Naciones Unidas Boulevard.
    • Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador

Aktivitas yang disarankan lainnya


9,2 dari 10

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10.0 dari 10

Alice T

Diulas pada tanggal GetYourGuide
27 Sep 2023
Adrian and Ivan were both brilliant hosts. We were consulted throughout the trip and given great advice. would highly recommend a trip with them. The walk and pools were lovely, and lunch afterwards was great. arrived back in the afternoon as promised

6.0 dari 10

Rebecca B

Diulas pada tanggal GetYourGuide
17 Agu 2023
The termal baths were lovely, as was our guide, but: in the German description it says lunch and towels are included. THEY ARE NOT. Also, they only pay 10 dollar for the entrance fee, so if you want to go to the provate part, you still need to pay 13 dollars yourself. So, it is really very expensive for what is included. If you're two people, you'll be better of just getting a taxi and going yourself.

10.0 dari 10

Andrew M

Diulas pada tanggal GetYourGuide
21 Jul 2023
This trip was incredible! My wife and I accidentally overslept and missed our original pickup time, and the company helped us find a solution to still be able to go. The tour guide, Josué, was kind, informative, and friendly. We loved the thermal waters and the hike we went on, as well as the trout we had, thanks to Josué's recommendation. We will recommend to our friends if they visit Ecuador.

8.0 dari 10

Mario H

Diulas pada tanggal GetYourGuide
18 Mar 2020
: Everything's fine. The place is very nice.

8.0 dari 10

Daniel L

Diulas pada tanggal GetYourGuide
23 Des 2019
: The tour and the guide were great. However, the sources are rather average.

10.0 dari 10

William F

Diulas pada tanggal GetYourGuide
5 Okt 2019
Very pleasant ride.:

10.0 dari 10

Jacqueline M

Diulas pada tanggal GetYourGuide
18 Jun 2019
Amerika Serikat
Fue un día inolvidable. Gracias a Daniel por el tour. Eres muy amable. This was a great experience. Driver and tour guide were wonderful. The thermal pools were so relaxing, clean, and the restaurant food was great. Really a wonderful day. Highly recommend.

10.0 dari 10

Garry W

Diulas pada tanggal GetYourGuide
13 Mar 2019
A fantastic day!: Andrea was a great guide, and Lenning (?) was a great driver. This was one of the best things we did in Ecuador - highly recommended.

10.0 dari 10

Jolyon D

Diulas pada tanggal GetYourGuide
25 Nov 2017
Very good tour, spectacular baths but a long drive from Quito.:

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