Picture 18 for Activity Porto: Daytime or Sunset Douro River Sightseeing Cruise
Picture 20 for Activity Porto: Daytime or Sunset Douro River Sightseeing Cruise
Picture 26 for Activity Porto: Daytime or Sunset Douro River Sightseeing Cruise
Picture 8 for Activity Porto: Daytime or Sunset Douro River Sightseeing Cruise
Picture 21 for Activity Porto: Daytime or Sunset Douro River Sightseeing Cruise

Porto Pelayaran Tamasya Sungai Douro di siang hari atau saat matahari terbenam

Oleh BBDouro
9,4 dari 10
Tersedia pembatalan gratis
Harga Rp726.193 per dewasa
  • Tersedia pembatalan gratis
  • 2j
  • Voucher mobile
  • Konfirmasi instan
  • Melayang melewati gudang anggur Porto dan jembatan Ponte Luis I yang indah
  • Cicipi segelas anggur saat Anda menyusuri perairan di Porto
  • Lihat tempat-tempat yang luar biasa seperti Ponte da Arrabida dan pasar tua
  • Nikmati pemandangan kota yang indah dari dek kapal pesiar
  • Kagumi warna dan arsitektur bagian tertua kota ini

Lokasi aktivitas

    • Porto
    • Porto, Porto, Portugal

Titik Temu/Berangkat

    • Douro Marina, R. da Praia, 4400-554 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal | Meet in front of the gate that says "D Pontoon" in Douro Marina. Look for the BBDouro office. When your arrive at the Douro marina, wait at pier D gate for one of the skippers (look for the staff with 'bbdouro' equipment). They will check-in you in and accompany you to the boat.
    • Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto, Portugal

Periksa ketersediaan

Tur Sehari
  • Durasi aktivitas adalah 2 jam2j
Waktu mulai: 14.30
Rincian harga
Rp726.193 x 2 DewasaRp1.452.386

Harga Rp1.452.386
Konten di halaman ini mungkin diproduksi dengan terjemahan mesin

Apa yang sudah termasuk dan apa yang belum

  • Sudah termasukSudah termasukKapten
  • Sudah termasukSudah termasuk Pelayaran Sungai Douro
  • Sudah termasukSudah termasuk Segelas anggur port
  • Sudah termasukSudah termasuk Internet
  • Sudah termasukSudah termasuk Panduan
  • Tidak termasukTidak termasukMakanan
  • Tidak termasukTidak termasuk Minuman tambahan

Ketahui sebelum memesan

  • Tidak diperbolehkan: Hewan peliharaan
  • Tidak cocok untuk: Orang dengan gangguan mobilitas

Apa yang bisa Anda harapkan

Away from the busy city, but close to several monuments and landmarks, you'll have the opportunity to relax onboard a sailboat/catamaran (with capacity for 12 or 18 people) while enjoying a glass of port wine.

Departing from Douro Marina, we will go along Douro River, whilst visiting the banks of Porto and Gaia.
Although we may be far from the city center, you can see some places of interest: churches decorated with tiles, domes of the cathedrals and the palm trees from Crystal Palace gardens.
Di area tepi sungai, di mana angin dan ombak menjadi tenang, ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk memotret Jembatan D. Luiz I, perahu rabelo dan Serra do Pilar.

Heading towards the mouth of the river, you will feel the freshness of the Atlantic, while enjoying a glass of Port Wine, with Foz do Douro as a backdrop. In this area, be sure to catch a glimpse of the Nature Reserve and the Passenger Terminal.
Above all, take advantage of these two hours to relax and enjoy the best that Porto has to offer!

Note: Customers are distributed among boats on a per-order basis, and it is not possible to specify any preference at the time of booking. We will not divide groups.


Lokasi aktivitas

    • Porto
    • Porto, Porto, Portugal

Titik Temu/Berangkat

    • Douro Marina, R. da Praia, 4400-554 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal | Meet in front of the gate that says "D Pontoon" in Douro Marina. Look for the BBDouro office. When your arrive at the Douro marina, wait at pier D gate for one of the skippers (look for the staff with 'bbdouro' equipment). They will check-in you in and accompany you to the boat.
    • Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto, Portugal